This is our story, please do not copy it. Huy’ch’q’u’
A very long time ago, before we were Lyackson mustimuhw (lyackson family), there was no land, only water, all around a tree. It was a large fir tree, the largest tree ever to exist. It was so large that people lived on it’s branches and bows. The people clung to the tree and lived as best they could high above the water on the narrow branches. Some days a friend, Sthuqi, would come and visit the people in the tree. Sthuqi’ loved to swim in the water, she loved it so much that she never left the water. She would bring her friends in the tree treats from the ocean. “ These are XiXwe from deep in the waters they will keep you strong.”
On a day that Sthuqi did not visit, a strong wind began to blow through the tree. A great storm had come up and the wind and waves began to rock the tree and all those who lived on it. They were worried. Everyone could feel that the tree was swaying, it swayed so far that it seemed as though it might break and then the people would fall into the cold sea. What would happen to the people then? The people hung onto the branches for days, even though they were exhausted and the bark was getting slick with rain from the storm. Everyone hoped that the tree wouldn’t break but late one night when the people felt that they could no longer hold on, the tree broke. The tree fell into the waters taking everyone with it. People clambered out of the water onto the tree lying on its side, and they waited. They waited for the sun to rise so they could see if all their family was still there. In the morning, when the people looked around and collected up what was left of their treasures they found that there was new land to walk on. The broken tree had become a new home for them. The people were so happy but they were also worried as they couldn’t find some of their family. The people looked out into the sea and they saw that the tree had broken in half and made another island not to far off from them. Some of their family was on the other island and they could see that they decided to stay and make their home. They were building houses and also looked so happy. We will visit them tomorrow, the people said. The people now noticed that all of the narrow branches and bows that they once lived upon were now tall trees of their own. We shall stay here the people decided, here at Lyeqsun, the place of Great Fir Trees. The people used these trees to make homes and used their roots to make clothes and baskets to hold their food. The Great trees of the new Lyeqsun were taking care of the people and so the people would take care of the great trees. The people would never harvest too much from a tree and never take too many trees. We will rely on each other the people’s leader announced. As the great stormed slowed and clouds parted, the sun came out. Up to the island swam an old friend, Sthuqi’. She was surprised to see all of the people on the land. They were making houses to protect them from the sun and rain. They were collecting plants that were growing on the new land, to eat.
“Do you need any Xixwe today?” Sthuqi’ asked the people.
“Yes please, but we can now give you something in return. Huychqu for being so kind to us when we were in that tree. We will protect and honour you every year for your kindness in keeping us alive.” The people now traded with their friend giving sthuqi some salal berries that were growing near the shore. The people thrived on Lyackson and Galiano islands for years to come. They honored the sacred salmon every year and protected the forest. The people knew that the salmon and trees would be needed by their grandchildren’s grandchildren. Eventually the Lyackson mustimuhw became the guardians of all the people that lived near Lyackson and Galiano. They kept the peace and sought balance with the land. We all paddle together on our Salish sea, we all paddle home to be with our family. Huychqu’ great fir tree, huychqu’ Creator. This is the creation story shared by Lyackson, and many other nations in the Salish sea. It is uplifting and reminds us of where we came from and what responsibilities that our people have in this world. I am proud to be Lyackson, I am proud to be kind.
I created this design on the computer. I then created five silkscreens using my design and then hand pulled each colour screen onto Stonehenge serigraph paper to create the design.
Limited edition of 50, each signed and numbered.
Framed option available for Victoria BC pickup only.